Simple ways to promote a small local business

You run a small business and you mainly want to reach customers from the area. At the same time, you do not have a large budget for advertising activities. You are looking for opportunities, channels and tools that can be used to strengthen your image and increase the reach of your promotion. Check what you can do "on the spot"!

Take action on Facebook
It is difficult to unequivocally assess the level of real sales generated by activities in social media. However, it is an unquestionable fact that at present they are one of the most important information tools through which Poles monitor not only the social life of their friends, but also the life of brands, restaurants, entertainment facilities and many others. Acting on Facebook, it is worth not only systematically publishing posts related to the activities of your business. It is not enough.

Observe what is happening in your surroundings! Add cool and interesting cultural and gastronomic places to the watched pages and propose your services here as well. Ask to join Facebook groups related to your city, neighborhood or an initiative carried out nearby. Watch the discussions going on there. Do not spam! Wait for your 5 minutes and speak up. You will surely get attention and gain more followers.

Cooperate with local media
Placing advertisements in the local newspaper or broadcasting a spot on the radio for many local businesses turns out to be too expensive and often ineffective option. As a result, we stay away from this type of media. This is not exactly a good move. Remember that the inhabitants of the city and its vicinity, the province, are usually associated with local media, which also have their counterparts in the form of internet portals and social media accounts! It's worth remembering that many of them allow you to add event announcements for free. Moreover, if possible, sponsor a small prize in an editorial contest, which often takes place on Facebook and reaches a large number of people who follow a given medium.

Observe what is happening in your environment
Getting involved in the life and problems of the local community is one of the golden rules of PR. Contrary to appearances, it is not addressed only to large enterprises. It is worth observing, for example via Facebook or local internet portals, what is happening in the city. Is there a food collection for a nearby animal shelter? The days of the city are coming? Or maybe a nice initiative is being prepared at the local cultural center? Support the campaign to the extent possible for you. It will certainly improve the image of your company and support its promotion.

Each business requires financial resources to be allocated to appropriate advertising activities. Some of them generate costs that are difficult to discuss. However, it is worth keeping your eyes and ears open. It turns out that thanks to the intensive development of social channels, we can strengthen the promotion of our business within a small budget.

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